MyColour Analysis

MyColour Analysis - Helen McCartin

Know your personal colours in 30 minutes.

Customise your wardrobe and dress in confidence with MyColour Analysis.

Whether you’re warm or cool, find out the best palette for you with MyColour Analysis. Learn how to camouflage blemishes and enhance your best features. We will provide you with the tools to be your own colour expert!

Why do I need MyColour?

MyColour Analysis helps you to understand which palette best fits your tone (skin, hair and eyes) to determine the best colour for your overall look.

Why is this important?

It’s great to wear the colours that work with your own colouring than wearing colours that work against you. Wearing the colours that harmonise with your colouring will make you look healthier, your eyes will look brighter and your skin – clearer. This gives you a feel good factor.

What we will explore

  • Which shades complement your natural tone
  • Defining your personal style, combining colours and building a wardrobe that matches you
  • Consider the role of colour in your existing wardrobe and understand which palette suits you best
Duration: 30 minutes
Price: €60
Includes complimentary: 30 swatches for you to take home
(The Purple Orange boutique) 14 Bridge Street, Cavan Town

Book An Appointment

Message, call or fill the form below to book an appointment.

(Slot based on availability)
Location: (The Purple Orange boutique) 14 Bridge Street, Cavan Town

Message on Facebook
Call Helen: +353 (49) 436 1052

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